Tomas Bata University in Zlín

Ing. Ivan Princ

Ing. Ivan Princ

Department of Population Protection
E-mail: TEL: +420 576 038 065 Office:

Educational activities in teaching students and university graduates in the lifelong learning program with emphasis on chemistry; protection against weapons of mass destruction and industrial hazardous substances; detection and decontamination and prevention of emergencies.


Consulting hours

Thursday 10:00 - 12:00

Curriculum vitae


  • 1986 - 1990 university - VVŠ PV LS Vyškov, military-engineering, branch of military chemistry - Ing.
  • 1982 - 1986 High school - SPŠCH Bánská Štiavnica, a branch of control-analytical chemistry.

Internships and study stays

  • 2002 - 2003 - Security Mission "ISAF 2" - 11th Kabul Field Hospital, Afghanistan. Characteristics of the position - chemical chief (expert adviser to the contingent commander in the field of protection against weapons of mass destruction, industrial accidents, protection of troops, and protection of the population).
  • 1990 - 1991 - combat mission "DESERT STORM" and "DESERT SHIELD" - 1. Special MS. anti-chemical battalion, Saudi Arabia, Kuwait, and Iraq. Characteristics of the position - chemical and chemical-technical support of combat operations conducted by the troops of the international coalition, protection of troops and civilians (detection, identification, and decontamination, monitoring of radiation and chemical situation) with the actual use of weapons of mass destruction.

Process of employment

2012 - present TBU in Zlín, Faculty of Logistics and Crisis Management, of which:

  • 10/2020 lecturer
  • 4/2017 -9/2020 assistant professor.
  • 4/2012 - 3/2017 external assistant,

2021 - Silesian University in Opava, Mathematical Institute in Opava

  • external teaching of the subject "Protection of the population in dealing with chemical and radiation accidents" in the summer semester of the Academic Year AR 2020/2021

1990 - 2009 MO - professional soldier, of which:

  • 1990 - 2008 Chemical Chief - expert adviser to the commander in the field of protection against the effects of use / abuse of weapons of mass destruction, industrial hazardous substances and protection against them, protection of troops, chemical and chemical-technical material security at battalion levels, mechanized brigade and brigade task force, member of the crisis staffs of the ORP Kroměříž, ORP Hranice na Moravě - management of individual subsystems within the brigade (BÚU AČR - brigade task force) with competence to perform the tasks of the brigade (BÚU AČR); proposing measures to protect against weapons of mass destruction and participating in their planning; management of collection, evaluation and transmission of information (data) on the use of weapons of mass destruction, radiation and chemical accidents, radiation, chemical and meteorological situation in the CRMS system (National Radiation Monitoring Network - State Office for Nuclear Safety) in accordance with established principles according to STANAG NATO; providing combat and mobilization readiness; planning and organizing and managing the implementation of chemical security measures and chemical technical material security, including the management and training of organic and assigned units of the chemical army; leading the training of members of the brigade; in co-operation with the bodies of the Integrated Rescue System of the Czech Republic, monitoring the occurrence and development of radiation and chemical accidents; management of dedicated forces and resources of chemical troops in disarmament detachments in areas after the use / misuse of weapons of mass destruction, radiation and chemical accidents and diseases; organizing dosimetric and chemical control in cooperation with the health service authorities; organizing and managing the decontamination of people, equipment, roads, important objects and materials,
  • 1. 1. - 31. 12. 2009 University of Defense Brno - assistant professor - field of military chemistry - educational activities in teaching students and university graduates in the lifelong learning program with emphasis on protection against weapons of mass destruction and industrial hazardous substances, monitoring and assessment of the radiation, chemical and biological situation; conducting exercises, seminars, excursions and internships, providing consultations, lectures; leading and opposing final, diploma and scientific theses; solving scientific, research and development tasks in the field of operational use of troops, weapons of mass destruction, industrial hazardous substances and protection against them; implementation of expert, assessment and evaluation activities, application of the results of scientific, research and development activities in the teaching of students and university graduates with a focus on career education of senior officers; chemical chief of the Brno crew (member of the crisis staffs of the municipality with extended powers, see above).

Other publications

A) Publishing activity

  • PRINC, Ivan a Dušan VIČAR, 2023. Individuální a kolektivní ochrana. Zlín: Tomas Bata University in Zlín, Faculty of Logistics and Crisis Management. Monographs. DOI: 10.7441/978-80-7678-147-4, Release: First. ISBN 978-80-7678-147-4. 647 s. URI:
  • Vičar, Dušan; Princ, Ivan; Mašek, Ivan; Mika, Otakar Jiří. Nuclear, Radiological and Chemical Weapons, Radiation and Chemical Accidents. Zlín: Tomas Bata University in Zlín, Faculty of Logistics and Crisis Management. Monographs. DOI:, ISBN 978-80-7678-053-8, 2021, 371 s.
  • Vičar, Dušan; Princ, Ivan; Mašek, Ivan; Mika, Otakar Jiří. Jaderné, radiologické a chemické zbraně, radiační a chemické havárie – Nuclear, radiological and chemical weapons, radiation and chemical accidents. Zlín: Tomas Bata University in Zlín, Faculty of Logistics and Crisis Management. Monographs. DOI:, ISBN 978-80-7454-947-2, 2020, 334 s.
  • Jakub Rak, Petr Svoboda, Dušan Vičar, Ivan Princ, Marketa Habrova. Design of the Data Model for Information Support in the Field of Civil Protection of Municipalities. WSEAS Transactions on Environment and Development, ISSN / E-ISSN: 1790-5079 / 2224-3496, Volume 15, 2019, Art. #34, pp. 311-318. Available at: Scopus
  • PRINC Ivan. Desert Shield and Desert Storm 1990-1991 Memories of Participant Gulf War. Brno: Univerzita obrany. OBRANA A STRATEGIE-DEFENCE & STRATEGY. Volume: 17, Issue: 2, Pages: 5-25. DOI: WoS
  • ŠAFAŘÍK Zdeněk, Ivan PRINC, Radka ĎULÍKOVÁ, Zuzana KAŠPAROVÁ. Explosion of Ammunition Depots in Vlachovice-Vrbětice in the Czech Republic. Institut ochrany obyvatelstva Lázně Bohdaneč: The Science for Population Protection 2/2018, Volume 10, 2018, str. 21-36. ISSN 1803-635X. Available at: ERIH+.
  • PRINC Ivan, Ivan LIPOVSKÝ, Zdeněk ŠAFAŘÍK. Rizika, prevence a ochrana dětí v dětském táboře Kennolyn Camps v USA – Risks, prevention and protection of children at Kennolyn Camps in the USA.. Žilina: Žilinská univerzita, FBI, Krízový manažment 1/2018, s. 34-43, ISSN: 1336-0019. Available at: . ERIH+.
  • PRINC Ivan a Zdeněk ŠAFAŘÍK. Rizika a prevence v oblasti ochrany dětí v dětských táborech – Risks and prevention in the field of child protection in children’s camps. Žilina: Žilinská univerzita, Fakulta bezpečnostného inžinierstva, Krízový manažment 1/2017, s. 74-82, ISSN: 1336-0019. Available at: ERIH+.
  • Zdeněk ŠAFAŘÍK, Ivan PRINC, Jan MIČKA. Únik ropných látek a jejich vliv na životní prostředí – Leakage of oil substances and their impact on the environmentí. Institut ochrany obyvatelstva Lázně Bohdaneč: The Science for Population Protection 2/2017, Volume 9, 2017, str. 69-80. ISSN 1803-635X. Available at:  ERIH+.
  • VIČAR Dušan, Jan STROHMANDL, Ivan PRINC, Jakub RAK, Ivan MAŠEK, a Danuše ULČÍKOVÁ. UOO. Vzdělávání v oblasti bezpečnosti a ochrany obyvatelstva – Education in the field of security and protection of the population. Institut ochrany obyvatelstva Lázně Bohdaneč: The Science for Population Protection 1/2016, Volume 8, 2016, str. 77-88. ISSN 1803-568X. Available at:  ERIH+.
  • ŠAFAŘÍK Zdeněk a Ivan PRINC. Pohromy a jiné zdroje rizik v katastrálním území obce Těmice – Disasters and other sources of risks in the cadastral territory of the municipality of Těmice. Zlín: UTB ve Zlíně, FAI, Trilobit 2/2016, s. 1-9, ISSN: 1804-1795. Available at: Peer-reviewed journal indexed in the national database of peer-reviewed journals according to the Methodology of the Government Council.
  • ŠAFAŘÍK Zdeněk a Ivan PRINC. Nemoci z povolání jako důsledek environmentálního znečištění prostředí – Occupational diseases as a result of environmental pollution. Zlín: UTB ve Zlíně, FAI, Trilobit 2/2016, s. 11, ISSN: 1804-1795. Available at: Peer-reviewed journal indexed in the national database of peer-reviewed journals according to the Methodology of the Government Council.
  • PRINC Ivan, Jan STROHMANDL a Dušan VIČAR. K historii použití zbraní hromadného ničení. In Sborník z mezinárodní vědecké konference „CBRN PROTECT 2015,“ konané ve dnech 22. – 23. dubna 2015 ve Vyškově. Brno: Ústav OPZHN Univerzity obrany v Brně, (CD), 2015. ISBN 978-80-7231-996-1.
  • ŠAFAŘÍK, Zdeněk, VIČAR, Dušan, MAŠEK, Ivan a Ivan PRINC. Významná výročí použití chemických zbraní. ChemZi. Slovenský časopis o chemii pro chemické vzdělávání, výzkum a průmysl. Ročník 11. Číslo 1. Rok 2015. Vysoké Tatry, Starý Smokovec, Sborník z konference 67. sjezdu chemiků, 7. – 11. září 2015, s. 98 – 99. ISSN 1336 – 7242.
  • PRINC Ivan, a Václav LOŠEK. K historii použití chemických zbraní. II. Sborník z mezinárodní konference „Metody a postupy ke zkvalitnění výuky krizového řízení a přípravy obyvatelstva na řešení krizových situací“, konané ve dnech 10. – 11. září 2014 v Uherském Hradišti, str. 396 – 411, ISBN: 978-80-7454-412-5.
  • PRINC Ivan. Distanční texty z předmětu Ochrana proti zbraním hromadného ničení v rámci projektu OPVK „Inovace a rozvoj výuky bezpečnosti se zaměřením na krizové řízení“ CZ.1.07/2.2.00/28.0185, 2013, Uherské Hradiště.
  • PRINC, Ivan. Chemické zabezpečení jednotek v zahraničních misích. Sborník příspěvků z konference “Nové metody a technologie ochrany proti ZHN a průmyslovým škodlivinám“, Vyškov 17. – 18. červen 2009, Ústav OPZHN Univerzity obrany, Brno 2009. ISBN: 978-80-7231-662-5.

B) Projects

Research team
Project title – System for the support of accurate and timely prediction of the danger of flash floods and the facilitation of the activities of crisis and flood authorities in the region (FLAPRIS). PID: VB01000008 22. 4. 2021 –
31. 12. 2023
Research team
Project title – Security Research Program of the Czech Republic in the years 2015 to 2022 – Crisis Logistics Information Platform (KRILOG). PID: V104000080 1. 1. 2021 –
31. 12. 2022
Research team
Project title – Centre of Excellence for Population Protection. Direction – Security and protection of society. Number: RVO/FLKŘ/2017/03 1. 3. 2017 –
31. 12. 2019
Co-devicer Innovation and improvement of teaching the subject Technical Chemistry, project number FLKR5A/2018. 1. 3. 2018 –
31. 12. 2018
Research team
Construction of chemical laboratory – equipment with ESF instrument number: CZ.02.2.67/0.0/0.0/17044/0008536. 1. 3. 2016 –
31. 12. 2019
Research team
Security project – 58th International Film Festival in Zlín. 1. 2. 2018 –
5. 6. 2018
Research team
Security project – 56th International Film Festival in Zlín. 1. 4. 2016 –
15. 5. 2017
Research team
Innovation and development of security education with a focus on crisis management. Number: CZ.107/2.2.00/28.0185. 1. 2. 2012 –
31. 1. 2015
Research team
Military tests – Modernization of the T72-M4CZ tank – solutions for projects:

  • Crew protection – FVZ, GO-27, TPPZ, DYNA protection (Collective protection against weapons of mass destruction and dynamic Armor protection).
  • Decontamination – the effect of decontamination procedures in the Czech Armed Forces on the anti-radar coating of the tank.
  • Irradiation detection and indication system.
Degree of secrecy
Research team
Troop tests – Trainer SISTER LZ / RZ for BVP, T and RZ
(Simulator of shooting from mounted and small arms for tanks and armoured vehicles).
Degree of secrecy


Faculties and departments
