Associate professor
doc. Ing. Pavel Valášek, CSc. LL.M.
Department of Environmental Security
E-mail: valasek@utb.cz
+420 739 245 093
+420 576 031 046
H1/1.31 - tel: +420 576 032 089
H1/1.31 - tel: +420 576 032 089
Author identifiers
Consulting hours
Friday 9:00 – 11:00 or individually upon a previous arrangementCurriculum vitae
- 2019-2020: Education agency Ltd. Staré Město - Master of Laws.
- 2011: Faculty of Biotechnology and Food Science SPU in Nitra. Habilitation in a field: Processing of agricultural products, docent.
- 1996: Institute for postgraduate medical education – state exam.
- 1986-1991: Chemistry and technology of carbohydrates and food chair, CHTF SVŠT Bratislava, post-gradual studies in a field: Chemistry and technology of edibles – Candidate of technical sciences (Ph.D.).
- 1978-1982 Chemistry and technology faculty SVŠT Bratislava, study branch: Food conservation and meat technology – Engineer of chemistry.
- 1974-1978: Industrial canning high school in Bzenec.
Process of employment
- 1983 – 1991: SLOKO, k.p. Uherské Hradiště, technologist, head of production, head of concern production department, enterprise managing director.
- 1991 – 1993: UB Fruta, s.p. Uherský Brod, head of production, managing director.
- 1993 – 1994: Rochus s.r.o. – Kunovice, head of production.
- 1994 – 2004: Intercaps, spol. s r.o. Zlín, QA/QC director, production and technical director.
- 2004 – present: Tomas Bata University in Zlín, assistant, docent, head of department.
Membership of bodies
- Academic senate of Tomas Bata University in Zlín
- Academic senate of Faculty of logistic and crisis management, Tomas Bata University in Zlín
- Scientific board of Faculty of logistic and crisis management, Tomas Bata University in Zlín
- BSc. and MSc. Programme Board, FLCM Tomas Bata University in Zlin
- Dean's Council, FLCM Tomas Bata University in Zlin
- Czech Chemical Society