Tomas Bata University in Zlín

Private: Exchange Studies


You certainly have many questions about your possible study or internship abroad. This is why we have prepared the answers to the most frequent of them for you. Answers to questions concerning all TBU students can be foundhere.

However, apart from that, there are answers to questions from specific students of FLCM who wish to travel in the framework of Exchange Studies:

May I travel abroad even though I am a student of part-time study?

Yes, you can! Study stays abroad are for all students, both in full-time and part-time form of study.

Will I have to extend my study due to my study stay abroad?

We try not to make students extend their studies. If you choose your destination university with a similar range of courses, most of them will be recognized after your return and you will be able to continue studying like your classmates.

How will the courses be recognized?

The way individual courses are recognized is decided by the guarantor before your departure. Therefore, you will know what to expect and you will be able to prepare for any unrecognized courses and take the exams after returning.

What is the difference between a study stay and an internship stay?

A study stay takes either one or two semesters and it entails studying courses which you then naturally need to pass the exams on.

An internship stay can take any length of time you wish. For Erasmus+, the minimum condition is two months, for Freemover, it is one month. TBU supports internship stays by a scholarship for two months, after that, this turns into the so-called. zero grant.

Where can I go to take an internship placement?

You can take the internship at any company or university where you can join the research team and work on some of their projects. In both cases, it is necessary that the internship is in your field of study!

How is the internship provided for financially?

From us, you will receive an Erasmus or Freemover scholarship, while the foreign company can be paying you as well (this depends on the agreement). If you have financial problems abroad, you can apply for an extraordinary faculty scholarship. You need to attach a calculation of expenses to this application.

Students who are on a social security scholarship are entitled to further Erasmus scholarship for disadvantaged students.

Students who have health problems that make their stay abroad more expensive are entitled to further Erasmus scholarship covering these increased expenses.

May I go abroad in the period of time when I am writing my thesis?

Yes, you can. In this case, however, there has to be a mutual agreement between you, your supervisor and the supervisor abroad.

What is the language situation abroad? Will English be enough?

Regarding an internship, it is enough that you can speak English in any country. Your study stay abroad can take place in some countries or at universities that still do not offer courses in English, especially in Spain and France. However, the situation is getting better and more schools are beginning to offer courses in English. When selecting the right university for your study stay, you should always examine the availability of these courses. Our Erasmus coordinator will help you with all of that.

If I speak multiple languages, I can combine e.g. courses in German and in English?

Yes, some students use this option. In addition, you have the chance to participate in a language course in the language of the country. Most universities do organize such courses. They are free and you can receive ECTS credits for them.

The Erasmus+ also gives you the extra opportunity to take an online language course for the duration of your stay abroad.

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