Assistant Professor
Ing. Jan Strohmandl, Ph.D.
Department of Population Protection
E-mail: strohmandl@utb.cz
+420 733 690 587
+420 576 038 073
Author identifiers
Consulting hours
Monday 12.00 - 13.00 ;15.00 - 16.00Curriculum vitae
- 2016 - study program Economics and Management, Field of study Economics of State Defense, Ph.D.
- 2012 - 2016, DSP student at UO Brno, state doctoral examination - July 2013, Study program Economics of State Defense.
- 1980-1985 Internal University Studies, Faculty of Military Technology, Armament - Technical Study Program, Weapons and Ammunition, Ing.
- 1976-1980 SNP Military High School, Banská Bystrica.
Process of employment
2008 - present, TBU in Zlín, Faculty of Logistics and Crisis Management:
- 2/2013 - present, Institute of Population Protection, assistant professor, secretary of the Institute of Population Protection.
- 4/2011 - 11/2012, Deputy Director of the Institute of Logistics.
- 8/2010 - 3/2011, on behalf of the Director of the Institute of Logistics.
- 9/2008 - 7/2010, lecturer.
- 2004 - 2008 UO Brno - academic staff member.
- 2004 - 2004 (8 months), VVŠ PV Vyškov - assistant professor.
1985 - 2003, Ministry of Defense - professional soldier:
- 2003, Director of the Logistics Department, 2nd Office Administrative Office, Tábor.
- 1985 - 2002, professional materialist with activities in the field of maintenance, operation, repairs, supply, and storage, records and accounting of property, deputy head of the logistics department, head of the logistics department, head of the logistics department.