Tomas Bata University in Zlín


Second year of the TFA competition at TBU

The TBU Fire Sports Club is preparing the second annual TFA (Toughest Firefighter Alive) competition, which will take place on 24 September 2024 at the Faculty of Logistics and Crisis Management in Uherské Hradiště from 10 a.m. This prestigious competition, which is gradually gaining huge support among fire sports enthusiasts and students, is becoming an essential part of our university’s sporting activities.

What is TFA?

The TFA competition simulates the physical and mental demands that firefighters face in their work. Participants in the competition must overcome various obstacles and perform tasks that require not only strength, but also endurance and tactical thinking. The race includes disciplines such as running in full firefighting gear, overcoming barriers, carrying loads or simulating firefighting.

Why get involved?

This year we are also focusing on attracting students from various faculties of Tomas Bata University in Zlín. Not only is it a great opportunity to test your limits, but also a chance to show team spirit and mutual support among students.

What’s at stake?

The winners of this year’s competition will qualify for the Czech Republic Academic TFA Championships to be held in Ostrava in October, where they will be able to show their skills at the national level.

Come and participate or support your classmates!

We invite all students to enter the competition or come and support their classmates. It doesn’t matter if you are an experienced athlete or just want to see your friends in action – everyone is welcome! Together we will create an atmosphere that will motivate and inspire them.

Registration will be open from August 26 to September 19, 2024, so don’t hesitate to join us for this special event!

We look forward to seeing you at FLKR on September 24!

The atmosphere last year was incredible and we hope this year’s event will be even more successful.

Faculties and departments
